AOL Fix The Planet Initiative

This initiative is the brainchild of Benji (a smart 10-year-old) who heard us complain about the lack of tangible action on climate change and how disheartening that can be.

Our industry is pretty carbon intensive to say the least even with the best of intentions to minimise waste and use timber alternatives.

So Benji suggested that we plant some trees for every project we take on. Of course, we realise that this doesn’t solve every problem but if more companies did something similar, it would make a massive difference.

Forktree project

We have partnered with Tim Jarvis AM in his visionary Forktree Project in South Australia. For every contract we win going forward, we will invest in 10 trees chosen for their ability to build biodiversity in the Fleurieu Peninsula. This project involves reestablishing native plants and shrubs which will in turn bring back native animals, insects and birds back to the area.

It is estimated that each tree will remove 1 tonne of carbon from the atmosphere in their lifetime.

As at November 2022, an estimated 150 trees have been planted on behalf of our clients.